innovative sustainability solutions
Experts in crafting innovations that help organizations
pursue their sustainability dreams

We are at a crossroads. Humans have created unparalleled levels of prosperity for billions across the globe with lifespans that are far longer than anyone had imagined possible just a few generations ago. Our prosperity has come with a cost. It is not shared equally across this earth. It is the driver of a changing climate where prolonged droughts, outsized wildfires, massive cyclones, and intense rainstorms affect every living thing.
Enough! We need a revolution in thinking. We need new ideas, disruptive innovations, and novel initiatives that generate prosperity that is widely shared and restores the health of our planet. It is up to all of us and all segments of human society–individuals, families, businesses, government, civic organizations, everyone–to contribute to tikkun olam, the repair of the world for the benefit of all life.

our team

Managing Director, Founder and Principal

Founder and Principal


Advising Partner
There isn’t any sustainability manual or cookbook. What we deliver to you is tailored to the people who matter—you, your associates, your leadership, your customers, your suppliers.
Your success in building sustainability into the core
of your organization is our primary metric.
We work with startups and mature organizations alike to create novel tools and strategies that businesses, governments, and NGOs use to achieve their sustainability goals.
We combine experience in building leading edge sustainability efforts in organizations with expertise in material and product sustainability, life cycle methods, and circular systems to help you be effective in your organization.
We understand what it takes to develop and implement effective sustainability programs because we have sat in your seat. We know that success comes when strategies and programs fit the culture and values of an individual organization.
Our work spans both a broad and a deep range of activities, each uniquely designed to address the client's particular situation and need.
For instance,
BWE collaborated with Nike to create the Nike Material Sustainability Index (Nike MSI). The Nike MSI serves as the primary method for selecting environmentally preferred materials for use in Nike products and feeds into the Nike Apparel and Footwear Sustainability Indexes. Nike provided public access to the Nike MSI through the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) where it was an initial component of the SAC Higg Index.
The Made-by Environmental Benchmark for Fibres, developed by BWE, compares the environmental impact of the most commonly used fibers in the garment industry, ranking 28 fibers on six common environmental parameters. The Environmental Benchmark for Fibres continues to be used by Made-By members and many other apparel brands.
BWE strives to expand the limits of conventional thinking at each turn. We understand that no two organizations or business needs are alike, which is why we tailor our work to your needs, your organizational culture, and your budget.
Please explore our past work and case studies here.
Strategy Development
Materiality Assessments
Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Metrics and KPIs
End-of-useful life strategies
Life Cycle Assessments
Carbon and water footprints
Custom sustainability tools
Material Flow Analyses
Environmental Impact Calculators
Client Development
Research and guidance
Resource development and capacity building
Client staff development and education